Bungie is also issuing bans for Crucible problem gamers

Oct 16, 2015 05:51 GMT  ·  By

A lot of players might be focused on the newly re-introduced Iron Banner or Trials of Osiris modes for Destiny, but the development team at Bungie already has plans to make the King's Fall raid attractive once more in the coming weeks.

On Friday, October 23, gamers will be able to take part in a hard version of the experience, which allows gamers to once again try to take down Oryx, but with an added level of challenge for all those involved.

Bungie says in a new Weekly Update that the Light Level for the six-player raid teams will have to be between 300 and 320 and that the level of loot which will be offered will range from 310 to 320.

The King's Fall experience was added shortly after the launch of The Taken King expansion for Destiny and is the toughest fight that the studio created for the social shooter so far.

The raid was finished by a team in about seven hours after it was first introduced and since then a wide variety of teams have managed to bring down the boss and get some solid rewards in the process.

A Hard version of King's Fall is a good way for Bungie to keep six-man raid teams engaged for a while longer, but the company might need to start creating another such experience to make sure that the community remains satisfied.

Destiny will get another update as soon as next week

After the deployment of the 2.01 update for the shooter, a range of issues were uncovered by the players and Bungie is determined to fix them all as soon as possible.

Sunbreakers, a major bug linked to Trials of Osiris and more are being actively tracked by the company and will probably be targeted via a hotfix that might arrive as soon as early next week.

Bungie is also currently working to tweak the Iron Banner experience and bans are planned for those who are negatively affecting the experience of others.

The company states, "If you’re manipulating network traffic, or if your connection is so bad that you’re unintentionally compromising the experience of other players, we’ll issue a temporary restriction from all Crucible activity."

Tweaks are also coming for the matchmaking system in Destiny, and the Nightfall loot tables are also being evaluated, with the team promising a range of new and powerful Legendary rewards for the experience.

In the second year of the title's life, Bungie is also planning on making other changes to the economic systems powering the shooter, all based on both player feedback and the data gathered from actual gameplay sessions.

With the deployment of update 2.01 for Destiny, the game got a range of gameplay tweaks and gamers also got access to the Eververse Trading Company, which offers a range of emotes for the new Silver currency that can be bought using real-world money.

Bungie says that it aims to use the new revenue stream to fund a live team that will deliver a range of free content, including new quests and missions.