Bethesda's weird shooter comes out on September 14, 2021

Jul 9, 2021 10:11 GMT  ·  By

If you're not yet sure what Deathloop is all about, you're not alone. We've been told many things about Deathloop, but we've yet to determine how to describe it best. In an attempt to shed more light about their upcoming game, Bethesda and Arkane revealed an extended gameplay trailer at Sony State of Play.

Narrated by Arkane's Game Director Dinga Bakaba, the trailer touches on many aspects of the game but says nothing about multiplayer, one of the key points of Deathloop's marketing campaigns.

What we know for sure is that Deathloop is a first-person shooter where players are trapped in a time loop with their worst enemy. The trailer shows the player stepping into the shoes of one of the game's protagonists, Colt, who's on the hunt for Aleksis “The Wolf” Dorsey, one of eight key targets to eliminate before the day once again resets.

But Deathloop is much more than a simple first-person shooter, as the game seems to include some roguelike elements that allow players to carry over weapons and upgrades from run to run. Also, to successfully take down a target, players will need information that can be obtained over multiple runs, so that's another roguelike aspect that seems to be part of the game.

According to Arkane, exploration is encouraged in Deathloop, as the island of Blackreef is full of untold stories. While exploring the island, players can find valuable rewards, not to mention that visiting the same spot at different times of day may reveal a new take on Deathloop's story or even give players a new clue to breaking the time loop. Listening to NPC conversations might also be rewarded sometimes, as some of them can lead players to a new item and new opportunities.

From the developer's recent blog post, we learn that Deathloop truly opens up once players finish the prologue. After that, you will be allowed to jump between times of day and districts of Blackreef whenever you wish. Also, there will be no timer for players to keep an eye on, as time will only pass when they finish something important in a district.

In case you didn't know, Deathloop is a PlayStation 5 time-exclusive that will also be released on PC on the same day, September 14, 2021.