There is no indication of a launch date or anything else

Jul 9, 2018 06:06 GMT  ·  By

Dead Island 2 is not dead yet. This seems to be the only thing that Deep Silver is telling us about the sequel.

Dead Island was one of the games that set up the whole zombie-themed gameplay, although it wasn't the first. It somehow managed to successfully combine a few genres into one, and became a success, even if it didn't come from a huge studio, at least at that time.

Few people would have doubted the fact that a second part must surely be in the works, and that was true for a short while. Let's not forget that the original Dead Island was originally released all the way back in 2011. It turns out that finding the right people to do it is not all that easy.

All hope is not lost

The rights to the game are with Deep Silver, and the studio initially contracted Techland, the developers of the first title, to do the second one as well. Techland had other plans, and they made Dying Light. The torch was passed to Yager Productions, but they also dropped it after a while.

Now, Dead Island 2 is being made by Sumo Digital, a studio best known for LittleBigPlanet 3. With the exception of a trailer that pretty much won the hearts of everyone back in 2014, nothing is known about the game. We don't even know if it's still following the same recipe.  

A user put forward a question on Twitter regarding the future of Dead Island 2. Usually, the Dead Island Twitter is silent on these matters, but not they chose to respond, saying that it's still in development and that more will be shared later.

Whether later means this year is impossible to tell, but we do know that at very least, that Dead Island 2 is not dead.