The video has gone viral on Twitter with thousands of likes

Jan 25, 2019 09:22 GMT  ·  By

Windows users have more or less gotten used to Google Chrome eating a large chunk of their memory, and despite this sometimes becoming a major annoyance of the browser, everybody just keeps using it.

To give you an idea of how popular Google Chrome is right now, third-party data provided by market research firm NetMarketShare indicates that the browser has a 65% market share on the desktop, which means that more than six in ten PCs are running it as we speak.

Corsair, which is one of the companies that certainly know how hungry Google Chrome always is, primarily because it produces the RAM which the browser uses to feed itself, has decided to make fun of the whole thing in a way that perfectly illustrates what could happen on a computer when a process eats up more resources than it should.

Video gone viral

The video that you see embedded below has already gone viral and only on Twitter it received more than 35,000 retweets and over 73,000 likes.

We’re not going to provide too many details about the video because we’re spoiling the fun and you can actually watch it right here in the article, but it’s a painfully accurate visual interpretation of what happens when running Google Chrome on a Windows PC.

Right now, as I’m writing this, Google Chrome uses no less than 1.8 GB of RAM on my PC with just six tabs open, one of which is the Twitter page I linked to. And it could even be worse, as many of you certainly know.

For the time being, there’s not much you can do about the insane memory usage of Google Chrome, other than switching browsers. But given the limited choice right now, we can only laugh about how accurate this Corsair video is.