Consumers can do this too, obviously at a price

Nov 28, 2018 07:04 GMT  ·  By

Breaking into protected iPhones is a topic that has made the rounds several times lately, and after GrayKey allowed the law enforcement to do this at prices of up to $30,000, here comes what could possibly be a more affordable solution also available for consumers.

A company called DriveSavers, which is specialized in data recovery services, promises that anyone can hack into an iPhone, even if it’s protected with a super-long passcode.

Its service is also offered to consumers, and the company says that even though Apple has already patched the exploit used by GrayKey, its solution continues to be 100 percent effective.

“Utilizing new technology, we have a 100% success rate with unlocking and recovering data from passcode-protected smartphones of every make, model and operating system with any length passcode, including phones and tablets with more complicated passcodes of six digits or more,” it says.

Apple obviously tightlipped on the hack

While at this point it’s not exactly known how this solution works, DriveSavers explains consumers must get in touch with the company for further details, including the price of the service.

Despite this apparently being a very convenient hacking method, DriveSavers says it won’t unlock an iPhone that does not belong to you, and it is, in fact, running a detailed check to make sure that you have the right to access the data stored on the device.

“We attempt to validate the legal right to access the data during all phases of the recovery process. This starts with the information gathered during the intake process. We also have a legal authorization form requiring specific information identifying the right to the data,” it explains.

Apple hasn’t provided any statement on this new iPhone hacking method, and right now nobody can tell if the success rate is indeed 100 percent. On the other hand, there’s a chance that Apple is already looking into reports and searching for potential exploits in its code, so don’t be too surprised if a patch is issued in a future iOS update.

DriveSavers says it can hack into other devices as well, including Android phones made by Samsung, BlackBerry, and Windows PCs.