500 years a day lost on CAPTCHAs can be avoided

May 18, 2021 07:15 GMT  ·  By

Cloudflare is a well-known provider of DNS services. DDoS attack shields and quick content delivery CDN are two of their standout features. 

CAPTCHAs are tests that you must complete to prove that you are human, usually when trying to log into a website. The same checks are applying when you try to access a website or signup for it. They want you to click photos of things such as cars, crosswalks, and bicycles to show you are human. CAPTCHA, as we all know, is a Fully Automated Public Turing Test used to distinguish between computers and humans.

The problem is that they can add more friction to the Internet and can often be difficult to solve. I am sure I am not the only one to not miss a CAPTCHA because they did not show the corner of traffic signals in a picture.

Cloudflare removes CAPTCHAs by introducing a brand new system 

A new way to prove that you were human by touching or looking at a screen, which Cloudflare called “Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood” in a blog post, which they state will “fully eliminate CAPTCHAs.”

Cloudflare claims that now only a limited number of USB security keys are supported by Cloudflare's devices such as YubiKeys. Nevertheless, you have the option to try it on the company website.

Quicker and easier steps 

It takes only a few seconds to complete the task. Also, it is extremely convenient to prove that you are human in a simpler way than checking grainy pictures of cars and car-like things.

This innovative approach may also have a major accessibility benefit, as CAPTCHAs can be inaccessible to visually impaired persons in their current form.

In short, your machine has a built-in secure module that contains a special secret sealed by your manufacturer. Without revealing a secret, the protection module has the potential to prove itself its own secret without exposing it. Cloudflare asks and verifies the authenticity of the manufacturer.

Cloudflare new products are limited to English-speaking regions now 

Even though it is an interesting and innovative concept, it is possible that CAPTCHAs in the current form will continue to exist.

First, it is unlikely that you will see the prompt in some instances, as Cloudflare currently presents this as a trial "limited basis in English-speaking regions." It currently only works on a limited amount of hardware: YubiKeys, HyperFIDO keys, and Thetis FIDO U2F keys.