The ecological civilization simulator everyone should play

May 9, 2021 14:10 GMT  ·  By

Imagine Earth is an ecological civilization simulator that has many gameplay mechanics in common with Civilization. The game has been in Early Access for no less than seven years, so if you've been patiently waiting for news about its release, here it is.

Indie game studio Serious Bros. Has just announced that Imagine Earth will leave Early Access on May 25. But wait, there's more! Imagine Earth has been confirmed to Xbox One soon as well, so if that's your favorite gaming platform, you won't have to wait too long to play it.

Since the game entered Early Access back in 2014, it received updates almost every month, which shows dedication from the developers part. More importantly, the final launch update will be one of the biggest to date, with additions including the “World Congress,” a democratic allegiance containing every faction on the planet, brought together by the threat of a climate crisis and environmental collapse.

For those who've never heard about the game, in Imagine Earth, players must protect and nurture a fledgling space colony while wrestling against the looming threat of climate change. Throughout the game, players must supply resources and energy, establish trade, research new technologies, form alliances, and wage economic warfare in a real-time battle for sustainable survival.

The Climate Crisis is everybody’s problem. By making it a fundamental part of the game - by putting the fate of the environment in the player’s hands - we hope we can highlight these issues and discuss solutions,” says developer Jens Isensee.

To sum it all up, Imagine Earth is a real-time planet simulation and a build-up strategy game. The game can be played in multiple ways since it features a multi-planet story campaign, “competition” mode with five enemy factions, an “endless” mode with endless procedurally-generated challenges, and a Planet Editor with custom building and terraforming.

Imagine Earth screenshots (8 Images)

Imagine Earth artwork
Imagine EarthImagine Earth