Frameworks 5.25.0 and Wine 1.9.16 are also available

Aug 22, 2016 00:30 GMT  ·  By

Neofytos Kolokotronis from the Chakra GNU/Linux team announced a few moments ago the availability of the latest KDE technologies in the main software repositories of the distribution.

Chakra GNU/Linux is a rolling operating system, which means that users are always getting the latest security and software updates as soon as they're out upstream. Therefore, today we would like to inform you about the availability of the recently released KDE Applications 16.08.0 software suite and KDE Frameworks 5.25.0 collection of add-ons for Qt5 in the distribution's repos.

"The latest updates for KDE's Applications and Frameworks series are now available to all Chakra users, together with other package updates," says Neofytos Kolokotronis. "It should be safe to answer yes to any replacement question by Pacman. If in doubt or if you face another issue in relation to this update, please ask or report it on the related forum section."

Update your Chakra GNU/Linux OS right now

Besides the addition of KDE Applications 16.08 and KDE Frameworks 5.25.0, the Chakra GNU/Linux developers also managed to update various other popular open source applications. As such, users can now install the VirtualBox 5.1.4, Wine 1.9.16, Vim 7.4.2207, and Ruby 2.3.1 software on their Chakra GNU/Linux operating systems, along with several other updated packages.

We recommend that you update your Chakra GNU/Linux installation as soon as possible after reading this article, but please try to keep in mind that not all the mirrors have been syncronized with the main server, so you'll have to either switch to a different one close to your location or check for an update at a later time. To update, simply run the "sudo pacman -Syu" command in a terminal emulator (without quotes).