Breeze icons and style is now used by default

Mar 9, 2017 22:27 GMT  ·  By

Neofytos Kolokotronis from the Chakra GNU/Linux development team is announcing that the default Heritage desktop theme will get a well-deserved revamp soon as part of a new ISO snapshot that should be released very soon.

Those who have used the Chakra GNU/Linux distribution before know that it comes with a specially crafted, in-house built theme for the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment, called Heritage. We don't even know when was the last time Chakra devs updated the theme, so the time has come for a refreshed version.

"We are excited to introduce a refreshed version of our homegrown Heritage theme which will ship with the upcoming ISO release," said Neofytos Kolokotronis in the announcement. "In this update we have included subtle changes that we hope will improve the overall desktop experience for Chakra users."

What users will notice after they update the theme is a lightened-up effect with blur for the application launcher, the window previews, as well as the system tray item popup. Additionally, there's a unified color used for plasmoids, a more transparent panel, Breeze icons everywhere, and an improved SDDM login screen that also uses the Breeze style.

Existing users will get the revamped theme through an update

The good news for those of you using Chakra GNU/Linux as your daily driver is that you'll automatically receive the revamped Heritage theme the next time you update your installations. If you can't wait any longer, you should check the distro's repositories for the chakra-heritage-themes 2016.12 package and install it.

As usual, there's no need for you to download the new ISO snapshot that should be released soon and reinstall just to get the updated theme. All new Chakra GNU/Linux ISOs are released only for those who want to deploy the operating system on new computers or plan on reinstalling their PCs because of various reasons.

SDDM theme uses the Breeze style
SDDM theme uses the Breeze style
The old custom icons were replaced with the Breeze ones
The old custom icons were replaced with the Breeze ones

Chakra GNU/Linux (4 Images)

The dialog windows use blue more and have a light theme
SDDM theme uses the Breeze styleThe old custom icons were replaced with the Breeze ones