It looks like we have another badly handled PC port

Nov 6, 2015 13:50 GMT  ·  By

Call of Duty: Black Ops III launched for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. You have only one try to say which of these platforms is riddled with bugs, and it's poorly optimized.

It looks like studios are spending less and less time optimizing the games for the PC platform, but this is strange for Call of Duty: Black Ops III, a game developed by Treyarch. The studio just revealed some really cool features only for the PC gamers, like dedicated servers.

The problems with Call of Duty: Black Ops III come shortly after another disastrous re-release of Batman Arkham Knight from Rocksteady. Now, the famous FPS seems to have some serious problems, and many users are reporting that it’s almost unplayable, with bugs that vary from extremely low framerates on powerful systems to downright crashes.

Studios haven’t learned their lesson

It looks like Treyarch and Activision had some prior knowledge of the poor PC performance. There is a conspicuous lack of PC reviews, and many publications received review codes for consoles. The developers know that there are some problems, and they have already published an explanation on Steam.

“We are super excited to be rolling the game out, and we are actively looking through the community feedback. There have been reports of certain i5 CPUs having performance issues causing very low frame rates - We are still working on the final solution for this issue, but we have had reports that changing WorkerThreads = 4 to WorkerThreads = 2 in your config.ini file can help.”

The developers also explained that setting the FPS cap just under the refresh rate of the monitor might also help.

In the meantime, Call of Duty: Black Ops III is taking a beating on Steam, and you have to scroll a long way down to find a review that’s not negative.