An extensive survey has been sent out to fans

Feb 4, 2016 09:21 GMT  ·  By

Despite the tweaks made by the development team at Bungie and the coming launch of Crimson Days content, there are many fans who are talking about the lack of new content and about their plans to abandon the social shooter unless something changes radically in the coming weeks.

On the official forums, gamers have been spelling out their complaints about the current state of the title while asking the developers to come out with clear details about their plans to improve the situation.

Bungie has not gone much further than the official line that, "No, we are definitely not done adding content. I don't have any specifics on what or when the next Content update will be - but we are definitely not done updating Destiny."

But there seems to be long-term hope for the title, judging from a new survey that has been sent out to members of the player base, asking them to deliver feedback that will be used to shape the way the game evolves in the near term.

The good thing about the questions is that the options that Bungie itself is offering acknowledge many of the complaints that the community has been talking about recently, including lack of new content and limited appeal for recent events.

It's unclear how many of the surveys have been sent out by the developer and how many completed ones it is planning to then analyze, but gamers are already analyzing the wording of the various questions and potential answers to gain clues about the future of Destiny.

Crimson Days is launching on February 9

Until the survey is analyzed and manages to drive major changes to the social shooter, gamers will soon get access to the new Crimson Days event, set to last for one week with a range of new content.

Crimson Double is the featured mode, a two-versus-two engagement in which gamers will gain access to a Broken Heart power when one member of the team dies, granting them extra combat strength to avenge him and try to win the match.

Crimson Days for Destiny also features more shaders and emblems, and for players who are willing to spend real-world money, there are new emotes to pick up at the Eververse Trading Company.

According to Bungie, there are plans for a bigger content drop that will arrive later in the spring, offering the same amount of new activities as The Taken King expansion, which might mean a new raid and more strikes are also coming.

The studio has also been recently working to improve matchmaking, using the recently ended Iron Banner as a testing ground, and the changes have been introduced to Skirmish recently, with plans to expand them to the rest of the playlists after more information is gathered.

A rumor recently revealed that a sequel for Destiny was planned for September of this year but has been delayed, which means the current installment will get more content from Bungie for the rest of the year, presumably for free.