Connection quality is the most important criterium

Mar 3, 2016 22:11 GMT  ·  By

Bungie has been working hard to improve the way Destiny is viewed by its community, and the developers are delivering yet another update about the matchmaking mechanics that have been criticized so much by the player base during the past few months.

In the most recent official site update, the studio explains that it believes it has improved the balance between connection quality and opponent quality and that the search criteria have received the most updates in Control and Iron Banner.

Derek Carroll, a senior designer, working on Destiny, is quoted as explaining that his team aims to create a competitive environment that works for as many gamers as possible.

He adds, "we do not prioritize skill over latency under any circumstances. The newest settings are more aggressive about keeping latency low than we’ve ever had in Destiny. Regardless of the playlist you prefer, you should be seeing high-quality matches."

The designer also says Bungie will introduce a new hotfix for Destiny, labeled, on March 8, which is designed to add the most recent matchmaking criteria to all the playlists currently featured in the Crucible.

The company makes it clear that this is not the end of the tweaking process and that more changes, based on the feedback offered by the community, will be introduced in the future.

Destiny is not yet offering details about the big spring content drop

The company has re-activated the Ride Along feature and says that it is planning to deliver a new edition on March 10 that will focus on the audio team and the way it worked to herald the arrival of Oryx in the Taken King expansion.

Bungie also wants players to know that it is preparing the streams that will offer more information about its big content update that is supposed to arrive before the end of spring but wants a little more time to finish all the details before making them public.

The community has been unimpressed with recent events, including the Valentine's Day themed Crimson Days, and the development team has promised that it will introduce more challenges and missions to keep high-end players occupied.

Activision has already revealed that a paid expansion for Destiny will be offered before the end of the year.

Bungie is also working on a full sequel, which is scheduled for 2017 and was, at one point, set to arrive this year, with a delay implemented to make sure that it offers the expected quality.