It allows users to find Romanian historical monuments

Apr 14, 2016 11:03 GMT  ·  By

Bitdefender, one of the most popular developers of security solutions for desktop and mobile devices, has just launched an application that has nothing to do with the company’s main fieldwork.

The application is called Road of the Castles and allows users to find Romanian historical monuments by providing them with GPS coordinates and some information about these places.

The travel app offers a short description of each historical monument, along with a picture, which should make it easier for travelers to recognize them. Also, the application includes directions to these places so that users can reach them faster.

In case you’re wondering what a travel app has to do with Bitdefender, a company that offers security solution, then you should know that you can win various medieval ranks using Road of the Castles.

Check into these historical places and receive a medieval rank

Each of these ranks is awarded with a security solution developed by Bitdefender. In order to get higher medieval ranks, all you have to do is check in when you visit some of these historical monuments.

The more places you visit, the higher your medieval rank, so Bitdefender will offer you a more important reward.

As mentioned earlier, the application will only work in Romania, as it provides directions to historical monuments in this country. Moreover, we don’t believe the travel app will launch for other regions, or at least not in the near future.

You can now download Road of the Castles for Android for free via Google Play Store. The application should be fully compatible with all devices running Android 4.1 and up.

For iOS users, the app can be downloaded for free via App Store. It should work smoothly on all devices running iOS 8.0 or later.

It’s also worth mentioning that the application allows users to send feedback with thoughts and suggestions, as well as information about historical monuments that haven’t been included yet.

Drumul cetatilor screenshots (5 Images)

Drumul cetatilor for iOS
Drumul cetatilor for iOSDrumul cetatilor for iOS