Official app to be pulled from Store this summer

Jun 4, 2018 05:43 GMT  ·  By

The Microsoft Store experiment had mixed results so far, and while some well-known developers brought their apps to Windows devices, others hardly find a reason to stick around any longer.

The best example is Bank of America, which is one of the largest banks that ever joined the Windows 10 push, bringing its apps to the Microsoft Store in order to allow its customers access their accounts even when using devices powered by Microsoft’s latest OS.

But this adventure is going to end soon, as BoA has decided to abandon Windows 10 for a reason that the bank hasn’t shared but which isn’t really hard to figure out.

Apps in the Microsoft Store have registered moderate success, and Bank of America most likely looked into statistics only to determine that it’s better to focus all development efforts on Android and iOS. While a PWA isn’t out of the table for the time being, BoA will completely kill off its Windows 10 app in the summer.

“Our Windows app will no longer be available at the end of July. However, you can go to to use Online Banking,” a notification displayed when launching the app reads.

The website alternative

In other words, the official mobile banking app will go away, but instead users are recommended to head over to the website to access their accounts. This is the advice that pretty much all developers leaving Windows 10 offered to their users, despite it clearly not being the most convenient solution for everyone.

Needless to say, not all functionality bundled into the mobile banking app would be available when pointing the browser to the official website, but at least it’s an alternative way to access the account without a dedicated client.

The decision to remove the app is expected to impact a significant number of customers given that Windows 10 is growing in market share worldwide, though at the same time, many of them are likely to own Android and iOS devices well.