Atom 1.16 is now in Beta and ready for testing

Mar 9, 2017 22:45 GMT  ·  By

A few moments go, GitHub's Andrea Liliana Griffiths was proud to announce the release and immediate availability of the Atom 1.15 open-source hackable text editor for all supported platforms, including GNU/Linux, macOS, and Microsoft Windows.

Atom 1.15 is the monthly release of the hackable editor developed by GitHub, which means that it's packed with various improvements and bug fixes. Since last month's Atom 1.14 release, when Atom 1.15 entered Beta stages of development, the devs managed to improve the behavior when duplicating lines with multiple selections.

At the request of many users, Atom 1.15 also comes with the ability to keep open the tab of any new, modified or deleted file from outside the editor. This feature is enabled by default now, but you can deactivate it from the settings. Cursors are now always visible by default in the editor, opening of minified files works better, and Node 6 is required for building Atom.

"A change was added to Atom that improves our handling of minified files so that it should no longer hang when accidentally (or on purpose) clicking on that minified JavaScript or CSS file you have in your project," reads today's announcement. "See the PR linked above for details on how we did this and some great benchmark numbers!"

Atom 1.16 Beta to offer more title bar options on macOS

There are a few other improvements implemented in Atom 1.15, such as the fact that APM (Atom Package Manager) can honor the system-wide HTTP proxy settings, and that Jump List's removals are now handled correctly on Microsoft Windows systems. You can study the full changelog for more details.

In the good tradition of a new Atom release, the Beta of the next version is also available for download. Atom 1.16 Beta in this case, which promises to come with extra title bar options of macOS users, as well as to continue the ongoing effort on removing the weighty jQuery dependency from Atom.

Download Atom 1.15 and 1.16 Beta for GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Duplicate selections with multiple lines

Atom 1.15 (2 Images)

Atom 1.15 released
Duplicate selections with multiple lines
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