Report claims Apple adding a “Schooltime” mode to the Watch

Sep 3, 2019 09:44 GMT  ·  By

Apple is said to be working on a new Apple Watch feature specifically aimed at students, allowing them to block certain content during school hours.

Called Schooltime, this new option is expected to be part of the next watchOS update going live later this month, possibly next week when Apple unveils the new-generation iPhones.

A report from MacRumors indicates that the purpose of Schooltime is to help students focus by blocking “access to apps, complications, and notifications.” Critical things like emergency calls and alerts would not be blocked because of obvious reasons.

Much like a do not disturb mode, Schooltime will come with a series of customization options, so users will be able to configure it to automatically kick in daily at certain hours.

Soon on other devices as well

While many believe that Apple is losing its cool factor in the smartphone business, the company has been hard at work on developing new features for its smartwatch.

Last year, for example, the Cupertino-based tech giant rolled out fall detection and EKG, two features that have since made their way to other smartwatches as well.

Fall detection monitors the wearer to determine any potential fall and can display an alert in case of such an event. A notification is then displayed on the screen, and the Watch can automatically call a contact or an emergency service.

At the same time, the EKG feature on the Apple Watch Series 4 allows users to take their own electrocardiogram, which could help detect certain heart issues early. The EKG tool is already available in a wide array of countries, and is also a feature that other smartwatch developers is working on for their own devices.

Apple is yet to publicly confirm the new Schooltime mode, and expect an announcement with more features at the September 10 event next week.