The Japanese versions will receive the update very soon

Dec 21, 2015 08:48 GMT  ·  By

Sony Mobile already confirmed some of its flagship smartphones will receive Android 6.0 Marshmallow updates, but that's unlikely to happen until next year.

While the Japanese company is testing the next version of Android on Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact, many Xperia users are waiting to learn more about Sony's Marshmallow update roadmap.

The good news is we might be closer to an Android 6.0 Marshmallow release than we thought, as the update has just been certified for the Japanese Xperia Z4 and Xperia Z5 smartphone, XperiaBlog reports.

The certification of Android 6.0 Marshmallow firmware suggests that these two smartphones might be among the first to receive the update. It's also a sign that the update might be released very soon if the testing process is completed successfully.

Three Japanese carriers will roll out the update

According to new documents filed at Wi-Fi Alliance, Android 6.0 Marshmallow was recently certified for Sony Xperia Z5 at NTT DoCoMo, SoftBank, and au.

Also, the NTT DoCoMo version of Xperia Z5 Premium has had its Android 6.0 Marshmallow firmware certified at Wi-Fi Alliance.

Last but not least, the newest version of Android was also certified for Sony Xperia Z4 on NTT DoCoMo, SoftBank, and au.

These three Japanese carriers will be the first to roll out the update, but the unlocked versions of Xperia Z4 and Xperia Z5 might receive the Android 6.0 Marshmallow upgrade around the same timeframe.

Unlike the certifications handed by PTCRB, the Wi-Fi Alliance's do not necessarily mean that we will see the update release in the next couple of weeks, but rather the next month or so.

Even so, it's clear that Sony is now gearing up for the release of Android 6.0 Marshmallow for multiple Xperia smartphones. The only thing that remains now is to learn which devices will get the update first, and when exactly.