Notifications sent to clients who may have been impacted

Nov 21, 2018 20:04 GMT  ·  By

The Amazon e-commerce giant today informed some of his customers that their names and email addresses were exposed because of a "technical error".

"We're contacting you to let you know that our website inadvertently disclosed your email address due to a technical error," said Amazon's email notification.

Moreover, Amazon's email alert also said that "The issue has been fixed. This is not a result of anything you have done, and there is no need for you to change your password or take any other action."

Although Amazon blamed the data leak incident on a technical error, the company did not provide an explanation of what triggered the error, and it didn't respond to requests of further info regarding the cause behind the security breach event.

At the moment there is no precise information on the number of customers affected by the data leak event and Amazon didn't reveal any other data regarding the affected customers besides the fact that they were contacted and informed about the incident.

A month ago an employee also leaked some Amazon customers' data

According to multiple reports, Amazon's computing systems were not breached and the personal customer information leaked was triggered by the "technical error' mentioned in the email notification the e-commerce company sent to its customers.

Although Amazon refused to provide any other extra details regarding the security incident it just experienced besides the "technical error" mentioned in the email notification sent to their customers it is safe to assume that the leak was caused either by a programming error or a database access control issue.

What is certain at this moment though is that Amazon will be forced soon enough to reveal extra info regarding this incident given that most privacy watchdogs around the world will require more details and that "technical error" will only make them look a little closer at Amazon' business.

This is not the first time Amazon leaked their customers' personal information seeing that roughly a month ago one of their employees was caught siphoning Amazon customers' data and selling it to the highest bidder.

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Amazon data leak
Amazon's email notification
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