ioSafe brings new alternatives

Nov 21, 2005 12:35 GMT  ·  By

Because recent events showed nothing can be safe enough, ioSafe developed the Disaster Ready Drive, which is an external hard drive packed in a fire, flood and theft resistant steel outer housing. The product is aimed at small and medium sized businesses. This solution is combined with a special backup software, making the Disaster Ready Drive an excellent alternative for storing critical data.

ioSafe's system is able to provide disaster protection with a minimal day-to-day maintenance, being very easy to install - simply plug and play. Also, the Disaster Ready Drive is compatible with any backup software, connects through USB 2.0 or Firewire and can store up to 400 GB of data.

This is the only disaster ready external hard drive available on the market, the manufacturing company claims. If it is exposed to a flood, fire or hard drive failure, the system can be returned to ioSafe, the data will be recovered, transferred to a new system, and sent back to the company.

The starting price for the Disaster Ready Drive from ioSafe is US$2995 and ranges up to US$3300, depending on the options included. The system comes bundled with Dantz Retrospect Backup software and non stop support from ioSafe's Disaster Response Team.