Martin gets a free meal, clothes, and accommodation

Aug 1, 2013 13:29 GMT  ·  By

A couple of YouTubers specializing in pranks have decided to give a makeover to a man who really needed it.

These makeovers are usually offered to people who don't need them or could provide themselves with them, so watching this clip has been very refreshing.

According to Huffington Post, it was put together by Vitaly Zdorovetskiy and Andrew Hales of the VitalyzedTv channel.

They picked up a homeless man holding up a sign asking for a job. The clip is shot in Florida and it features Martin, who gets treated to a steak dinner, two nights in a hotel, and new clothes.

He seems very happy about the treats, but this left me wondering if perhaps something should be done for him on the long term.

The uploaders thought of that and started "Martin's Campaign," setting to raise money to get Martin's teeth fixed.