Watch your favorite clips on your game console

Dec 26, 2006 08:47 GMT  ·  By

Among the best things about owning a PC is probably YouTube and until now, YouTube was off limits to console owners. Things are going to change from now on, as a new service specially designed to bring YouTube to game consoles has just been launched.

This new service is called SofaTube (how original) and is brought to us by Red Kawa. This story comes via, and according to them, this new service will optimize YouTube viewing on game consoles and home theater PCs. Apparently, SofaTube will feature an interface that will allow you to search and view YouTube content from far away, rather than a couple of feet from your desk.

This translates into a monkey-simple navigation, huge menus and massive fonts. Of course, you also have the possibility of viewing YouTube clips in full screen mode by making use of the option at the top right of the screen. I haven't seen this application work yet, so we'll have to take's word on this.

The developing company is promoting this new service for home theaters PCs, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii use. By the looks of it, SofaTUbe is part of the Red Kawa Marketplace, service which already provides Flickr, Google News and Google Maps tools for game console and such. It sounds like a good idea, but mashable complains about over sized advertisements. No need to worry I'm sure you have a good adblocker.

Personally, I don't know what to say about this new service. It sounds interesting but from what I can tell, it doesn't do anything much than to magnify things. Or I'm just being jealous of not thinking of this first. I'm curious to see how much will Red Kawa charge for SofaTube...