Video support for the mapping solution

Oct 11, 2007 14:03 GMT  ·  By

Google's downloadable mapping tool Google Earth gets new goodies every once in a while but this is surely a major one: the parent company just added YouTube support for Google Earth which brings stunning new details for numerous locations all over the world. What's so exciting about this update? First of all, think that you're able to enjoy beautiful panoramas from any country you want using video files published on YouTube. Obviously, the YouTube content comes exactly as we expected as a new Google Earth layer available under the 'Featured Content' menu of the mapping application.

"Now you can find YouTube videos connected to specific locations right in Google Earth. Our new browseable layer of geotagged videos works a lot like our Google Book Search layer, only it shows you the locations referenced in specific videos instead of books. Let's say you're jetting off to Paris. Before you go, you can watch the sunset filmed from the top floor of the Eiffel Tower, among other clips of popular spots in the City of Lights," Amin Charaniya, Software Engineer, Google Earth, introduced the new Google Earth function.

A YouTube implementation in Google Earth was introduced a long time ago when some user created layers that could bring video content into the mapping tool. But an official function powered by the super giant is more efficient because it reduces the risk of finding bugs and errors, which might crash the application.

However, this function can easily become useless for all users if the content appearing on certain location doesn't match the imagery provided by Google Earth. For example, I found a video displayed near Brasov, a Romanian city, which shows a user-generated clip instead of showing the regions.

If you want to download the latest version of Google Earth, you can take it straight from Softpedia.