Channel removed from the list

Nov 29, 2007 11:32 GMT  ·  By

The update that YouTube went through with, a couple of weeks ago, seems to still be in the works and things seem to be changing rather erratically. Categories have been switched and added to other lists, in such a manner that it would have been pretty difficult to know where to head to, had you wanted to do that. To some extent, planning had to be involved in searching for specific categories.

Now, the same thing has happened to the "Gadgets" tab that was associated, in the past, with the "Games" and seemed to be living happily ever after. The moving (if I might call it that) of the category happened as if a flood came and swiped it away. Whoosh, all gone! It'll be a little more difficult for the gadgets editors or just the average gadget freak to be able to find materials in order to document their work or just watch in amazement (the grandma style of "I never thought I'd live to see the day when [insert gadget here] did [insert specific action performed by gadget here]").

Well, it's not like the videos are gone for good, it's just that they have been moved to a much wider category, that of "Science & Technology", and searching for them through that medium will prove tricky, because there's no new tab for it anywhere. Despite looking like a routine taxonomy change, it might be a little more than that, as John Biggs, editor of "CrunchGear", spun a wide variety of conspiracy theories based on that particular fact alone.

Details have not come from YouTube, neither prior to the change nor after it had already happened, so a couple of quotes to feed the panic or seed some silence in the souls of those interested are not available. But, with the first occasion, I will surely slap them against your monitor in that "Extra, read all about it" manner that was used in centuries past.