Jul 13, 2011 13:16 GMT  ·  By

Google's Slide team is wasting no time, Google+ may be moving fast, but the 'other' social web group at Google is moving just as fast. The Photovine website went live very recently, but had only a landing page and a few explanations about the service.

Now, while Photovine is still not up and running, you can at least request an invitation and hope to be part of the early cool crowd that gets to join.

In the meantime, you can check out the video showcasing just how much fun you'll have, when you do eventually get in.

By now, we had a pretty good idea of what Photovine is, it's a photo sharing app, nothing special or particularly original about that, but it emphasizes sharing and discovery, everything you send to Photovine is public for the world to see.

Also, as the name implies, the idea is to create photo threads, or 'vines' as they're called here, where you can add and share pics around a central theme or topic.

The video that's now available on the site and on YouTube illustrates exactly that, how different photos relate to a single theme and how a 'vine' can grow from a single picture.

If that's enough to wet your appetite, go ahead and put your name on the list. All you have to do is provide a name and an email and you'll be contacted when Photovine is ready to let you in.

No word on when that happens though, while the service could be live for some people, it's still in a very private beta right now. No sign of the app in the Android Market or the iTunes App Store, either.

Still, the team seems to be moving fast, so it may only be a matter of days before at least some people get in.