Innovative product presented by the giant portal

Jan 9, 2007 09:09 GMT  ·  By

Yahoo's search engine is one the most powerful rivals for Google, the company that owns the giant search engine. Yahoo released multiple solutions that are based on the search engine, trying to expand the power of its technology in several categories. As you may know, the majority of the companies that own a search engine already developed a mobile version of their products, making it available from any handheld device. Yahoo is one of these companies with one of the most used mobile search engine.

The giant portal presented yesterday a new version of the mobile search engine that provides a better functionality than the old product. oneSearch presents a simple way to access the search engine, allowing you to search for business listings, movies, sports, news, events, celebrity gossip and stock/finance information. The name of the service comes from its functionality that is meant to help the users find what they were looking with a single search.

"In addition to providing relevant links to web and mobile web sites, the new mobile search provides immediate answers for business listings, movies, sports, news, events, celebrity gossip, stock/finance information, and so on, all from a single search. If the query term is "ipod", the top of the result page includes results from Yahoo! Shopping, with prices and reviews, which could help the user who's considering a purchase. A search for "San Francisco" will return weather, traffic information, and local news," Yahoo said about the service.

If you want to download the new version of Yahoo mobile search, you should follow this link and configure your device. "With limited bandwidth, screen size and time, this service puts information all right in front of you without having to click on multiple links and then find your way back through a convoluted navigation process, as you might have to do on a more conventional mobile search service," Paul Yiu, Yahoo! Search, said.