Last resort for taking Google down?

Feb 26, 2008 19:41 GMT  ·  By

Internet giant Yahoo! has announced that it will open its search to 3rd parties to build and present the next generation of search results. I can't quite remember who said it first, but I distinctly remember it to be mentioned as one of the few means of keeping up with Google. Out-Googling Google I believe was the syntagm used. The Yahoo! Search Blog hosts a post detailing the Sunnyvale based company's approach to opening up. After making Hadoop the heart of every Yahoo! search, the only step left is to finally get it out in the open.

The first and most visible result would be that people using a plug-in developed by one of the numerous producers that will flock to Yahoo! Search will be able to see enhanced listings when the producer's site is returned on the search results page. An example, in simpler terms, would be that instead of seeing the boringly dull blue link, users will be able to view a picture of the respective, say, restaurant, as well as star ratings for the place or reviews created by other users.

Right now only Yelp is providing plug-ins, but the future will see LinkedIn, BabyCenter and the CodeNet network of sites, including Epicurious, and, according to Amit Kumar, the director of product management for Yahoo! Search.

Most interesting, plug-ins that include advertising or are not relevant to users will not be featured or promoted, while the producers will not have to pay to have their work on the soon to come gallery. "This is not a paid relationship; it's all about relevance," Kumar wanted to point out. Furthermore, Yahoo! will also assist the publishers with graphics and even help promote the respective plug-in from their site.

Whether this will work out and be the boom the Sunnyvale based company needs remains to be seen, but it is definitely a step in the right direction.