Google still the leader of the search engines

Jun 21, 2007 12:35 GMT  ·  By

The famous Google is again the best search engine in the United Stated with more than 65 percent of the total searches conducted from the country. According to Hitwise, Google recorded 65.13 percent of the searches in May 2007, almost the same percentage as in April (65.26%). In the same month of the last year, Google recorded 59.27 percent that reveals a clear increase in the search giant's popularity.

In comparison with the Mountain View company, the rival Yahoo recorded a 20.89 percentage in May 2007, while April brought only 20.73 percent of the total searches. In May 2006, Yahoo was a little bit more powerful because it recorded a 21.95 percentage. The Live Search is not even close to the two giants because it has only 8.40 percent of the searches conducted in May 2007, while April brought it 8.46 percent of them.

According to Hitwise, the health and medical-related websites were the most searched pages on the Internet with 44.44% of the searches conducted in May 2007. Travels come second with 31.22% while shopping and classified are placed on the third position with 24.95%.

"Hitwise, the leading online competitive intelligence service, today announced that Google accounted for 65.13 percent of all US searches in the four weeks ending May 26, 2007. The remaining 49 search engines in the Hitwise Search Engine Analysis Tool accounted for 1.66 percent of U.S. searches. Search engines continue to be the primary way Internet users navigate to key industry categories. Comparing May 2007 to May 2006 - Travel, News and Media, Entertainment and Business and Finance categories received double digit increases in their share of traffic coming directly from search engines," Hitwise sustained in the report.

Obviously, Google is the most used search technology on the Internet and it will remain so as long as no other company manages to design a similar solution to challenge the Mountain View company.