Is Google better than Yahoo?

Feb 15, 2007 17:06 GMT  ·  By

At this time, there are a lot of web-based mail solutions but most of them are avoided by the users because they contain several problems such as low file storage size, inefficient spam filters or slow loading times. Two of the most used e-mail services are surely Gmail and Yahoo Mail, the products offered by the well known rival Google and Yahoo. The two companies are challenging one another periodically using their solutions but Gmail and Yahoo Mail represent one of the main attractions for the Internet users.

Gmail is the mail solution provided by Google that was released on April 1, 2004 and was available only by invitation. Although it was regarded as a private beta, the service was quite popular because the company provided 100 invitations for users so it was very easy to register for Gmail. Since its release date, Gmail was continuously attracting clients because it offered a huge file storage size, but the service was updated periodically so there were a lot of interesting features. One of the most important improvements is surely Mail Fetcher that helps users receive mail messages from up to 5 POP3 accounts using the interface of the Gmail.

Yahoo Mail is the mail service developed by the giant portal Yahoo that is probably one of the oldest solutions with a huge number of users. Although the product is quite efficient, some clients registered for the mail service to gain access to Yahoo Messenger, the most popular instant messaging client on the Internet. The service can be used for free with a simple Yahoo account and is currently available in two flavors: the old version and a new beta edition that contains innovative functions implemented in a web based solutions: drag and drop support, attractive interface and many other features.

So, is Google better than Yahoo or should we choose Yahoo Mail instead of Gmail? Well, Gmail is now regarded as an antispam e-mail solution and I must sustain it is very efficient while Yahoo Mail is quite inefficient for blocking unwanted messages. Gmail can be used for free without many errors while Yahoo Mail returns errors periodically when you try to log in. So, the best e-mail solution? You choose...