Another exec leaving

Jan 29, 2008 10:06 GMT  ·  By

The Sunnyvale-based company has recently invested a great deal in its advertising platform, hoping that it would turn the slope it has been on for two years now into a slight increase which would hold promise for the future. That hasn't been the case, though, and its income has suffered a major blow, on a 42 percent drop from the previous quarter.

How is Yahoo! going to attempt to save itself yet again this quarter, I do not know, with one of its high ranking executives leaving the company. Richard Frankel is no ordinary exec, if anyone were able to do that pretty much by himself, he would have been the most likely to. Frankel was in charge with behavioral targeting and marketing. Link with the investing in advertising and see that he was not a pawn in the game, he was more like the knight or the tower, if there was to be only one in a chess game.

His destination is SocialMedia Networks, where he will be taking office as Chief Operating Office (COO). In other words, he's left a leaking cruiser and jumped on an Aircraft Carrier. That's the difference between his old job and the new one. Yahoo heading downhill while social media applications and advertising within them is the new hot spot (it probably won't be long until Google makes a strong push in that area as well).

As an example, look at how hugely successful applications for social networks like Facebook and MySpace have turned out to be. Whether they will last and pull through the years to come or will at some point become obsolete is yet to be seen, but the Web 2.0 movement and feeling is pointing that they won't just fade away. He's made a good personal move and struck a deadly blow to Yahoo.