Starting at around 27,000 US dollars

Sep 13, 2007 18:16 GMT  ·  By

Keyboards are the most popular input devices around but, in general, regardless of just how many features they provide, they don't go above the 1,000 US dollars threshold. However, that's not at all the case with the device you're about to see as follows, namely the Xynergi, presented by the Australian company Fairlight, a product that delivers a lot more features than a normal keyboard, but at an absolutely huge price tag.

Thus, the Xynergi is capable of organizing and delivering a suite of all the media processing tools needed for high end audio for video production in all widely used surround formats. Xynergi is based around a completely new concept in tactile control processing power of Fairlight's CC-1 digital media engine.

The Xynergi controller features a very innovative implementation of self labeling key switches, which are able to display full colour images, icons or text to provide intelligent control over the entire recording, editing and mixing process (in this aspect, it kind of reminds us of yet another uber-expensive keyboard, the Optimus Maximus). Moreover, the device supports any type of language or icon driven menu structure with an 'on-demand' QWERTY keyboard for routine naming tasks and immediate access to MS Office tools, such as email, Word and Excel.

Another interesting feature of the Xynergi is the fact that it features eight touch sensitive rotary controllers and multiple soft keys arranged around a color control zone known as the "pad". These can be used to support Xynergi's sophisticated mix automation system as well as precise control over extensive signal processing facilities which include multi-band EQs, three stage dynamics, multi dimensional panning and auxiliary sends.

Nevertheless, according to the company's statement, what really makes the Xynergi so special is the device's ability to determine automatically the mode the operator is in, presenting just the functions relevant to the desired mode whilst hiding those that aren't, thus resulting is less keystrokes, more control and greater productivity.

"The Xynergi Media Production Centre brings together the most powerful, versatile and scalable media production system in the world today" announced John Lancken, Chief Executive Officer, Fairlight. "This revolutionary new control interface literally puts multi-dimensional tactile control at the fingertips of the creative community. When combined with the CC-1 engine, Xynergi dramatically increases the creative firepower that engineers, artists and producers have to work with."

As mentioned right from the start of this article, this controller (because calling it a keyboard would be a rude understatement) will be available starting at around 20,000 Euro (that's over 27,000 US dollars), which places it among the most expensive input devices ever developed (if not THE most expensive).

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