The device will offer more customization options

Jun 15, 2015 17:11 GMT  ·  By

During the E3 2015 press conference, Microsoft is announcing that gamers who want to improve their performance in any of the titles launched on the Xbox One will be able to get access soon to an entirely new Xbox Elite Wireless Controller.

The piece of hardware is re-designed from the ground up in order to meet the requirements of the most dedicated of players and features a number of swappable components, new hair trigger locks, and more customization options.

Gamers can choose from an array of thumbsticks, paddles and D-pads in order to make sure that they get the accuracy and speed that they want in order to be better at the titles they love.

Microsoft says that the new Xbox Elite Wireless Controller will be offered at a certain point in the fall of this year, but so far, no information has been offered on the exact date or the price associated with it.

The company is offering a trailer which shows the possibilities opened up by the upgraded hardware for the Xbox One, but more details about its features will be required in order to make sure gamers know whether they actually need to pick one up.

Microsoft has not said whether the new controller will work with the wireless adapter that has been recently announced, designed to link up with Windows 10-powered PCs.

Xbox One is upgrading both the hardware and the software this year

The fact that a new controller is being launched for the Xbox One shows that the company is planning to increase the number of gamers who are interested in the platform.

Elite players will be able to improve their performance, and the company is also appealing to more casual gamers by announcing that full backwards compatibility will also be supported.

The two initiatives are a sign that Microsoft is working full time to emphasize the most important elements of its home console and to try and close the gap with the rival PlayStation 4 from Sony in terms of sales.

At the moment, the Xbox One is lagging behind both in the United States and globally when it comes to sales numbers, and it failed to match the competitor for the month of May, as shown by the NPD Group.