Never bathe an Xbox 360!

Aug 22, 2007 09:02 GMT  ·  By

The unlucky 14-year-old gamer lives in North Carolina, in the US and he almost killed himself trying to stop his console from overheating. He wrapped his Xbox 360 in plastic and tape, while the console was still working and then dipped it in a pan of water... Of course the boy was found unconscious by his mom, after his crazy experiment, but I still can't understand why he bathed an electrical gadget that was still plugged in.

This was all caused by the fact that the boy's Xbox 360 was constantly resetting, because of the overheating. So the boy searched for some tips online, on how to cool down his console. Did he really find a site that said that you should submerge your Xbox in a pan of water to stop it from resetting I hope not, because there are many gamers out there, so desperate about the whole overheating/Red Ring of Death phenomenon that they'll do anything to fix it.

Luckily, the boy is still alive, after being taken to the local hospital. It seems that he had suffered burns to his right hand and foot, because of his attempt at bathing Microsoft's console. So, I guess we'll see another warning on the console's box: "Do not attempt to cool down the device by submerging it in water!". Any other bright ideas of how to cool the overheated console down?

Hmm, let's see... you might open the console's case and insert some ice cubes inside, plugging it in afterwards. Of course, if you really believe that this is the way you can cool an Xbox, you shouldn't be the owner of a console. Oh, don't try this at home kids... NOT a way to stop the overheating process. Want it to stop? Buy a Nintendo Wii!