The February 2010 release

Feb 22, 2010 12:57 GMT  ·  By

The Microsoft XNA Test Tools are designed to allow game developers building on top of Windows to certify their game for the Games for Windows Self-Certification Program. When it comes down to compatibility, Microsoft has gone to great lengths to offer third-party developers the resources necessary for them to make sure that their creations play nice with the latest iterations of Windows. Gaming content makes no exception to this rule.

Via the Games for Windows Self-Certification Program game creators can ensure that their titles deliver a consistent level of compatibility with Games for Windows. As a general rule, Games for Windows titles take advantage of the latest additions to the Windows client, including the Windows 7 "showcase features".

With the advent of Windows 7, Microsoft brought to the table a new must-have OS for gamers that use Windows as their gaming platform. Because of DirectX 11, the promise from the Redmond company is that Windows 7 will help the gaming experience on Windows evolve. In concert with the new technology, the Games for Windows Self-Certification program is set up to promote game titles and to advertise Windows as a gaming platform.

Microsoft underlines that “the Games for Windows brand on a title means the following:

- Quality—Games for Windows branded titles undergo extensive testing, and not just by the publisher. Microsoft also invests in quality checking titles to ensure each title meets performance and reliability standards. - Compatibility—Games for Windows branded titles work on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7-based PCs, including both 32- and 64-bit editions. Games for Windows titles that support controllers also are compatible with the Microsoft Xbox 360 controller for Windows, including the Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows. They even support widescreen resolutions. - Safety features—You can be confident that any title carrying the Games for Windows brand will support the new parental controls and family settings features in Windows Vista. - Easy to Play—Games for Windows branded titles are easy to install, find, and remove, especially in Windows Vista. Every Games for Windows title appears in the new Windows Vista Games Explorer (no more hunting around the start menu for that game you just installed). Also, Games for Windows branded titles all offer some form of "easy install," which puts you in the game more quickly.”

Microsoft XNA Test Tools (February 2010) is available for download here.