X Window System version 11 release 7.2 is now available.

Feb 17, 2007 14:02 GMT  ·  By

On February 15, 2007, the X.Org community has announced the release of X11R7.2, which is the third modular release of the X Window System.This new version brings significant stability and correctness fixes, including improved autoconfiguration heuristics. It also offers an enhanced support for GL-based compositing managers such as Compiz and Beryl, as well as an improved support for PCI systems with multiple domains. More extensible XACE security policy framework has also been incorporated.

The new X Window System supports multiple operating systems such as Linux, BSD, Solaris or even Microsoft Windows. The full source code is free to use, modify or redistribute and can be obtained free of charge from X.Org's main FTP server or its mirrors world-wide.

The X.Org server has grown to be very popular among the Unix-like operating systems and their free software communities, as it's being implemented in most Linux distributions and BSD variants. It's the fundamental technology underlying both the modern Gnome and KDE desktops. It's also included in Sun Microsystems' Solaris and used even in Cygwin/X, the implementation of the X server for Microsoft Windows.

The X.Org Foundation is currently the organization holding the stewardship for the development of the X Window System, while the project is hosted by freedesktop.org.