Not everything that has to do with Linux is also about quality

May 30, 2014 12:26 GMT  ·  By

X Distro 1.0 Beta, a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that aims to make its users feel cool and which promises to be a modern, elegant and comfortable experience, has been released.

The world is full of Linux distributions and everyone is looking to make an operating system that will eventually be adopted by millions of users. Like any other kind of work in this world, most of them will eventually fail, but that won't stop them from trying.

X Distro is a relatively young operating system built by a team called Tech Distro that wants to promote Linux in the world. With this purpose in mind, they created this OS and they hope that it's interesting enough to get adopted on a larger scale.

They also say that the entire project is in fact controlled by the community and that it's built with contributions from testers, users, artists, and other developers. To make things even more interesting, the developers actually want to eventually sell this OS as a commercial Linux distribution and give it away for personal use.

“X Distro system is designed to be comfortable and easy to use, But on the same time it is powerful and configurable. In X Distro we tried everything to make the user experience better and easier. X Distro totally work’s out of the box, With full multimedia support and extremely easy and cool to use.”

“The X Distro project is a worldwide effort and initiative by Tech Distro that promotes the use of Linux everywhere. Linux creates one of the world’s best Operating System, working together in an open, transparent and friendly manner as part of the worldwide Free and Open Source Software community,” say the developers about their project.

X Distro 1.0 Beta is based on Ubuntu, but at the same time, this is one of the few Linux distributions that chose to stick with Unity, which is not a very popular choice. In fact, most developers go out of their way to provide other desktop environments.

The developers have integrated all the regular applications such as Firefox, Thunderbird, and so on, but they have also added Steam, which is a nice bonus. Unfortunately, the desktop is a little bit too cluttered because the OS features two docks and that is at least one too many.

The theme is also not helping and doesn't seem to fit the other components. The color used for the icons and for the dash could only be categorized as atrocious, but that might be a personal preference.

Also, you can’t install the distro yet, only load it as Live image. It's still in the Beta stages, so that is understandable. You can download X Distro 1.0 Beta right now from Softpedia and give it a try yourself.

Remember that this is a development version and it should NOT be installed on production machines. It is intended for testing purposes only.