Take the Code2Fame challenge

May 16, 2007 15:25 GMT  ·  By

"How does industry-wide exposure and cold, hard cash sound?" this is how Microsoft's invitation to developers sounds as an incentive for the Code2Fame challenge. The Redmond Company has promised that coders will be able to enjoy cash and recognition if they will but respond to the challenge and prove their talents. "You could win both if you're one of the extraordinary coders who can create the best software and hardware add-ins for the new, soon-to-be-released Windows Home Server," Microsoft revealed.

For the challenge, the Redmond Company is offering no less than $50,000 in cash prizes, plus the finalists will also get to travel to the Microsoft campus to demonstrate their creations for the judging committee. Of course that Microsoft will take care of the bill, as it will be an all-expenses-paid trip.

The actual challenge is to build unique and original software or hardware add-ins for Microsoft's Windows Home Server. "We are looking for creative use of a server as a platform, as well as useful, cool, easy-to-use, and solidly performing value-adds to Windows Home Server. Your solution will be highlighted on one of the most visited Web sites in the world: Microsoft.com. Top contenders will present their add-in to a judges' panel of select media and analysts. Your add-in will be featured on the Windows Home Server developers blog. You'll get bragging rights! (After all, these add-ins can change the way people live)," Microsoft added.

According to Microsoft, the finalists for all the categories will take home $10,000, $5,000 and $1,000 for the first, second and last places. The Redmond Company has opened two categories of challenge. Participants can either choose to build software applications or hardware components that will integrate seamlessly with Microsoft. You can find more information about the Code2Fame challenge via this link.