Siddiqa Parveen is said to measure about 7 feet and 8 inches (over 2.33 meters) in height

Jan 30, 2014 21:51 GMT  ·  By
World's tallest woman undergoes surgery to have tumor pressing on her pituitary gland removed
   World's tallest woman undergoes surgery to have tumor pressing on her pituitary gland removed

28-year-old Siddiqa Parveen, who is believed to be the world's tallest woman, has recently undergone surgery to have a tumor growing on her pituitary gland removed.

The doctors who treated the woman explain that this tumor is the one to blame for the fact that the woman has grown to measure some 7 feet and 8 inches (over 2.33 meters) in height, and weigh an impressive 286 pounds (129.7 kilograms).

More precisely, they say that, because of the tumor, Siddiqa Parveen's pituitary gland has been producing a tad too much growth hormone throughout the woman's life, and that, in time, this led to her getting surprisingly tall.

Now that the tumor has been surgically removed, there is hope that the woman will stop growing, and that her overall health condition will improve to a certain extent.

Huffington Post details that, for the time being, Siddiqa Parveen lives in a village in West Bengal. In order to have doctors operate on her, she had to travel to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi.

Apparently, the woman agreed to have this surgery due to the fact that the tumor on her pituitary gland put her at risk of going blind sometime in the near future.

What's more, because of her height and weight, her spine is constantly strained and even in danger of breaking, the same source tells us.

In fact, it would appear that the woman's spine has suffered several fractures over the years, and this has made it very difficult for Siddiqa Parveen to lie down or stand up.

By keeping the woman from growing any further, specialists hope that her quality of life will improve to a certain extent.

To remove the tumor, doctors had to insert an endoscope through her nose. Although the operation was fairly complicated, chiefly due to Siddiqa Parveen's size, doctors say that it was a success. Still, the woman is expected to need a long time to recover from this intervention.