Vladimir Tretchikoff's painting has long been labeled a "kitschy" piece

Mar 21, 2013 13:35 GMT  ·  By
Russian painter Vladimir Tretchikoff's “Chinese Girl” has been sold at auction by Bonhams
   Russian painter Vladimir Tretchikoff's “Chinese Girl” has been sold at auction by Bonhams

The “Chinese Girl” by Russian artist Vladimir Tretchikoff has been sold at auction for about £982K, which is almost $1.5M (€1.15M).

The work of art may just be the world's most reproduced painting, and it's a landmark in British culture. However, many have referred to it as an example of "kitsch" as an art form, as most of the artist's works are regarded.

Tretchikoff, who moved to South Africa after WWII and passed away there in 2006, has had a collaboration with the British Ministry of Information for propaganda works.

His “Chinese Girl” was auctioned off by Bonhams to the 74-year-old Graff Diamonds International chairman, billionaire Laurence Graffm, Mirror writes.

A high-school dropout, Graff came from humble beginnings, being born in London's East End and currently holding the eighth spot among the richest men in Britain.