One particular school play decided to add some creative characters to the original story

Dec 30, 2013 08:53 GMT  ·  By

School plays are usually quite funny, especially when kids improvise in their own hilarious way, but one particular performance added a touch of Marvel spice to the plot and ended up being the subject of amusement for many Reddit users.

A photo of miniature Joseph and Mary accompanied by the one and only web-slinging superhero went viral on social media. The out-of-the-box play photo is hilarious as it shows Spider-Man happily sitting among the traditional costumed children.

Amused viewers started a battle of epic comments with one of them writing “And Jesus said unto him, ‘with great power, comes great responsibility’” or “the day Spider-Man saved Jesus, then Jesus saved Spider-Man.”

Besides the hilarious addition of the superhero to the play, there is another funny feature starting laughter, as the kid in the left corner holding a stuffed reindeer has a hilarious posture that kind of turns into a creepy villain stare at a closer look.

Spider-Man might have guessed the stuffed reindeer kid was an undercover villain and decided to scare him off by making an appearance at the school play.