Check out some of the new areas included in the upcoming expansion

Mar 20, 2012 22:21 GMT  ·  By

Blizzard has just deployed a new series of videos and quite a lot of details about some of the locations that will be included in the upcoming World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria expansion.

World of Warcraft may not be as popular as it once was, but Blizzard wants to keep players hooked to the online game so it’s now working on a new expansion called Mists of Pandaria.

We’ve already seen some screenshots of the upcoming add-on, as well as some fresh images of the Pandaren race that will be included in it, both of its male and female characters.

Now, Blizzard has unveiled some more details about Mists of Pandaria, offering new info on the various environments that it will bring to the actual game.

These range from the Wandering Isle starting zone to the high level Jade Forest or Valley of the Four Winds areas.

Check out the details below.

Wandering Isle, level 1-10

Separated from Pandaria for millennia, the Wandering Isle meanders the oceans of Azeroth. When the weather changes unexpectedly on the Isle and it begins erratically spiraling toward the Maelstrom, the elders at the Temple of Five Dawns request the aid of four elemental spirits to unravel the mystery. Heroes must figure out the cause of the land's illness before the entire island plunges into the abyss! The Jade Forest & Temple of the Jade Serpent, level 85-86 After a devastating naval battle, survivors from both the Horde and Alliance wash up onto the tree-lined shores of the Jade Forest. Surrounded by wilderness, they must form alliances with the natives if they wish to survive. Along the way, they will meet the pandaren... along with some of the greater powers that protect and shape Pandaria. Valley of the Four Winds & Stormstout Brewery, level 86-88 A tranquil plain of lush farmland, bordered by dense mysterious jungles along the south and impassible mountains to the north. The valley is considered the "breadbasket" of Pandaria, but the year's harvest is in jeopardy and a terrible malaise has overcome the pandaren that live along the coast. The valley is also the home of the legendary Stormstout Brewery, where Chen Stormstout and his niece Li Li hope to journey to discover the whereabouts of their long-lost ancestors. Blizzard has also presented a video for each of these new zones, so check them out below and expect the release of Mists of Pandaria in the near future.