By Sony Ericsson

Jun 17, 2008 13:09 GMT  ·  By

Sony Ericsson is not just about releasing new products to prove that, besides the five new phones unveiled today the company has also announced the World View 2008 contest. Presented as "the ultimate camera phone photography competition", World View 2008 is the third World View edition and comes after the huge success of the 2007 contest, where there have been more than 70,000 participating photos.

World View 2008 allows users who own a camera phone to prove they're talented when it comes to taking pictures. The prizes offered by Sony Ericsson are quite impressive. For example, the winner of the People's Choice award will get to go on a 5,000 GBP (about 6,300 Euros or $9,800) trip, while the Experts' Choice winner will embark on a "once-in-a-lifetime trip" valuing 10,000 GBP (12,650 Euros or $19,600).

Talking about World View 2008, one of its judges, Mr. David Viggers, who is Reuters UK & Ireland Chief of Photography, said: "This is a truly global competition that welcomes some of the world's best photography from both amateur and skilled photographers. Judging by the quality of images submitted in previous year's World View competitions, I have no doubt that this year's competition will again introduce some of the world's most exciting camera phone images."

The World View 2008 website, where interested users can sign-up and enter the competition, can be found at this address. Note that, for the moment, World View 2008 is not available for all the users around the globe. Only those from the following countries can join the competition: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Poland, Hungary, Russia, China and Hong Kong, plus countries from Central and Southern Africa.

This being said, we wish a lot of luck to all those who will participate at World View 2008 and we expect to see lots of cool photos.