It has a loud ringtone of up to 83 DB

Jan 12, 2007 16:11 GMT  ·  By

I bet you never thought a simple thing like a phone is able to actually bring you pain if you stand really close to it and you brag about having the hearing of a cat.

This is possible because the Noisyphone is the world's noisiest phone and when I say noise, I don't have in mind something like a mouse eating some cheese but something almost equal to the outcry of a train whistle .

It has an extremely loud ringtone that can go up to 83 DB and, as its manufacturer says, this makes it the ideal thing for very loud environments like factories, garages or anywhere else the workers get more than the usual share of background noise and don't have even the slightest chance to hear a conventional landline phone.

Also, it will be very useful for the hard of hearing people or the elderly, these being two kinds of users that will never again miss a call. The older individuals and the ones with limited vision will take advantage of a large keypad featuring 1 inch square dialing buttons and a highly visible bright red flashing light that will attract their attention (in case the ear-splitting ringtone won't do it :D ).

If you don't know what 83 decibels means think about the noise you get from an industrial electric drill or an industrial vacuum cleaner and you'll most surely figure out why this device will virtually make your ears bleed if you get near it and set to 83 decibels instant stun mode :).

I suppose many of us will be tempted to give it a try and put it in the guest room to have a couple of laughs when the phone will begin ringing and your dearest friends will jump under the bed in a half of a second thinking a bomb attack has begun or an earthquake has hit.

There is a downside of such uses for this 89.95 ? priced device because you might forget about its special "abilities" and, when receiving a call in the middle of the night or simply when you're just taking a mid day nap, the practical joke you have pulled on your friends will back fire making you curse the day you decided to buy it just to have fun scaring the hell out of your buddies.