May 4, 2011 11:59 GMT  ·  By

The WordPress team has just announced that a new BlackBerry version of its popular open-source application for bloggers is now available for download

WordPress for BlackBerry version 1.5 adds new features, fixes several issues and brings a fresh new UI.

Although the application has already been unveiled, there might be users who cannot access it yet.

Depending on the location, the latest WordPress version may not be present in the BlackBerry App World, but users who already have an older version installed can update it manually.

The changelog of the WordPress 1.5 for BlackBerry is detailed below:

- Added support forBlavatars (“Blog Avatars”); - Added preview for drafts, scheduled and private posts; - Introduced the home screen icon for comment notifications; - Added a visual indicator that shows the post status in the post list screen; - Added support for Discussion settings (enable/disable comments, pingbacks and Trackbacks); - Categories are now alphabetically sorted; - Added the possibility to specify a resize dimension on each image; - Changed the image resize feature, by adding predefined dimensions loaded from the Blog Media Settings; - Fixed issues on the Permissions settings screen, it now appears once at first startup; - Small UI redesign.

Users who notice that nothing happens when they click on the WordPress icon should try and edit the application's permissions.

To do this simply go to Options / Advanced Options / Applications and scroll through the list for the “WordPress for BlackBerry.”

Click on the application and choose Edit Permissions to ensure they are set to “Allow.” Make sure to reboot the phone by removing and reinserting the battery.

The application works with and self-installed WordPress 2.9.2 or higher and is compatible with most recent BlackBerry devices starting with the 8700, Curve, Pearl, Bold, Storm, Storm2 and Tour.

However, the application requires at least BlackBerry Device Software 4.5 to function properly.

WordPress 1.5 for Blackberry is available as a free download from Softpedia.

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WordPress 1.5 for BlackBerry screenshotWordPress 1.5 for BlackBerry screenshot