Michael Adebolajo was arrested on the Somalian border and deported to the UK

Jun 3, 2013 16:24 GMT  ·  By

Woolwich suspect Michael Adebolajo was known to the MI5 before attacking and brutally slaying a soldier in London last week.

As I informed you, he has made his first appearance in court. The second suspect in the terrorist attack has been identified as 22-year-old Michael Adebowale.

The Mirror has found that Adebolajo was deported to the UK from Kenya in 2010, for allegations of conspiring to participate in terrorist acts.

He was the leader of a radical Muslim group traveling to Somalia to join a terrorist group there. He is pictured in court in Kenya after being arrested on the Somalian border.

A document written by the head of MI5 in March shows that they warned local police of possible terrorist acts “inspired by those who are today fighting alongside al-Shabaab” in Somalia.