Some previous theories had suggested that was the case

Oct 3, 2011 07:00 GMT  ·  By
Women also have higher-pitched voices after ovulation, contradicting previous theories
   Women also have higher-pitched voices after ovulation, contradicting previous theories

The results of a new investigation indicate that women's voices are not clear indicators of fertility. According to previous theories, females have higher-pitched voices during the times of a month when they are most fertile. However, the study learned that this is not necessarily the case.

Investigators uncovered that higher-pitched voices are also present immediately after ovulation, when the women stop being fertile for an entire month. It could be that this is an evolutionary adaptation females employed in order to keep their mates close by.

Rather than allowing men to mate with them during precise times of the month, women using this adaptive trait could keep their partners closer for longer periods of time, therefore providing protection both for themselves and their offspring.

In turn, this may have contributed extensively to the organization of human groups and societies in their prehistoric patterns, which set the basis for modern civilizations. Researchers say that this tantalizing proposals require further studies to confirm, Wired reports.