Walking tall is a priority for all women, survey shows

Feb 19, 2009 20:21 GMT  ·  By

Wearing high heels can be very empowering for women, it has often been said. Wearing high heels for an entire life is also a priority for the ladies, a new survey comes to point out, as most of them will spend an average of 51 years teetering on incredibly high pumps, and will only give them up once they reach old age and comfort takes precedence over everything else.

The height of the heels varies throughout life, the latest survey comes to point out, with the highest ones being a favorite in young adulthood and, again, when females reach their late 30s, which coincides with a peak in their professional life as well. On average, they will give up their heels by the time they reach 63, when, no matter how they feel or how elegant they are, their body can no longer take the strain that this type of shoes implies, the same survey indicates.

Be that as it may, this moment is dreaded by most women, with some of them continuing to wear heels until the end, as they say. “Deciding to put away their high heels for the last time can have the same psychological impact upon women that retiring from work has upon men. It’s an all too public admission that they are getting older, and so naturally many women want to postpone this evil day for as long as possible.” Debenhams spokesman Ed Watson tells the Daily Mail.

“Nevertheless, there comes a time when women have to admit that, while they may still feel young, in practice, they’re not as steady on their feet as they once were. It’s a climb down which can cause a lot of heartache.” Watson adds, saying that, even past that age, some females still continue to wear heels, only not as high as before.

Women choose the lowest ones when they also reach their 30s, the same survey points out. Apparently, a drop in inches coincides with starting a family life and giving birth, the latter, obviously, not allowing for absurdly high heels for a while. In late 30s and 40s, though, the heels start to become ever higher again, as their careers also take off. “These results show that a woman’s entire life can be mapped out according to the height of the heel she wears. After a meteoric rise, through youth and early adulthood, they begin to settle down before dropping back gracefully to a comfortable old age.” Watson concludes by saying.