The implants make the cancer harder to find, researchers explain

May 1, 2013 18:21 GMT  ·  By

Women with breast implants have a higher risk of dying of cancer, a team of researchers now say.

Their claims are based on information collected while analyzing 12 other studies carried out these past few years. These studies focused on women living in the United States, Canada and Europe.

All of them developed breast cancer at some point in their lives, yet only some had breast implants at the time when that happened.

As far as the researchers who surveyed these 12 previous studies can tell, the breast implants themselves do nothing to directly threaten a woman's wellbeing.

More precisely, they cannot be held accountable for a woman's developing cancer.

However, it appears that they can be blamed for the fact that doctors have difficulties detecting the cancer by looking at the make-up of the breast tissue with the help of mammograms.

Live Science reports that, according to this new study, women with breast implants have 26% more chances not to be properly diagnosed with cancer until the condition moves beyond its early stages.

Consequently, the women run higher risks not to be responsive to treatment and eventually pass away.

In fact, it appears that women with breast implants are 38% more likely to die after having been diagnosed than women who lack implants.

"Women should be aware that if they have implants placed, breast cancer detection might be more difficult," specialist Dr. Stephanie Bernik of the Lenox Hill Hospital in N.Y. commented with respect to the findings of this investigation.

Dr. Stephanie Bernik was not part of the team of researchers who carried out this study.

Specialists warn that these conclusions are, for the time being at least, preliminary ones.

Thus, further research into how breast implants influence a woman's chances of passing away because of breast cancer is expected to shed new light on the matter at hand.