Rajee Narinesingh says recovery is a slow, very painful process

Mar 13, 2012 20:01 GMT  ·  By
Rajee Narinesingh was injected with cement in the face, breasts and buttocks instead of silicone
   Rajee Narinesingh was injected with cement in the face, breasts and buttocks instead of silicone

A very heated debate on plastic surgery started when the lid on the doings of one Oneal Ron Morriswas lifted. She was injecting women with a compound made of cement, tire sealant and mineral oil, leaving them deformed for life.

One of Oneal's victims was a 48-year-old woman named Rajee Narinesingh. Born a man and not able to afford proper plastic surgery, the aspiring actress thought she could get the same value for a fraction of the money in Oneal's “office.”

For the past 3 years, a board-certified plastic surgeon has been working hard to remove all the lumps in her body: she has them in her face, her breasts and her buttocks, all areas she was injected in with the compound for more volume.

Speaking with Radar Online, Rajee says she's actually on the mend, even if she knows for a fact she will never look like her old self again.

Her road to recovery has been slow and painful – and continues to remain so.

“I have to deal with going out in public and people laughing at me. The irony though is that it is helping my career. My mom said maybe this is turning into a blessing. It’s funny how all of this has taken place,” she says.

Rajee was recently invited on The Howard Stern Show and even landed a part in the upcoming soap opera “Bella Maddo,” which stars only transgender actors and actresses.

“I looked like the elephant woman,” Rajee says, recalling how Oneal's home interventions left her.

Radar notes that the surgeon spent 4 hours and broke a pair of scissors in just one sitting, trying to remove one of the nodules in the left side of her face.

“I look a bit better now, but I still have a long way to go. It is like a day-by-day process, I still go for treatments every week with the doctor and he may end up doing another procedure,” Rajee adds.

Even so, even though she says she feels completely betrayed by Oneal (who maintains she's not guilty of any of the crimes imputed on her), Rajee doesn't know if testifying in court against her is something she wants to do.

She claims she only went on the record with her story because she wants other women to know of the dangers they're exposing themselves to when they decide to have one such intervention with an impostor instead of a board-certified doctor.

“I am more hurt than I have hate for Oneal, I know she is going to pay as I am a firm believer in Karma. I felt betrayed, I thought I could trust her. I was angry, I was mad about it. I am still scared as I have to live with this and I don’t know what will happen in the future,” she tells Radar.