The 27-year-old woman says she very much likes their smell and taste, even their texture

Aug 25, 2014 14:13 GMT  ·  By

Some folks can't stand to be near dogs for fear that they might accidentally ingest one or two hairs. Wang Jing from China, however, has no such issues. On the contrary, this woman purposely eats dog hair, and says that she finds it quite delicious.

Media reports say that this 27-year-old woman first started feasting on dog hairballs about 2 years ago. She has until now snaked on about 1,000 of them, and plans to continue gulping down many more in the years to come.

Wang Jing says that, as a child and even as a teenager, she never felt the need to eat dog hair. Thus, she only developed a sweet tooth for it after she got a poodle puppy, which she named Kuku, Daily Off Beat informs.

For those unaware, poodles sport rather thick coats. Hence, they need regular grooming. Apparently, it was during a run-off-the-mill grooming session that the 27-year-old first tasted dog hair and found that she very much liked its taste.

In a nutshell, the woman remembers that, while grooming her pooch, she suddenly felt the need to see what its fur tasted like. She simply grabbed a hairball and put it in her mouth, and ended up eating it. Luckily, Kuku did not object.

Not too long after she had this revelation that dog hair was quite pleasant as far as smell, taste, and texture go, Wang Jing quit her job as a graphic designer and embraced a career as a dog tailor. She now gets to eat hairballs everyday at her workplace.

The woman maintains that, while some might have trouble even reading about the taste of dog fur, to her hairballs are not all that different to chocolate. “They are sweet like chocolates,” she says. Furthermore, “It smells nice and tastes good in my mouth.”

27-year-old Wang Jing hopes that, in time, she will get so good at her dog tailor job that she will be able to move on to becoming a dog fashion expert. Given her passion for fur, the woman might actually get to see her dream come true.

Although this is yet to be confirmed by medical experts, some say that this woman is probably suffering from a bizarre eating disorder known as Pica. Folks diagnosed with this condition crave things and materials that are not food, and that have no nutritional value whatsoever.

It is still unclear whether or not Wang Jing's passion for eating hairballs has until now caused her to develop any serious medical problems. Still, it's safe to assume that eating dog hair on a regular basis is anything but healthy.