Amanda Whittaker has a condition that makes her attracted to objects

Mar 14, 2012 12:43 GMT  ·  By

27-year-old Amanda Whittaker is in love and in a long-distance relationship with the Statue of Liberty. She calls herself Amanda “Liberty” and believes this is the romance of a lifetime, as she says in a recent interview with UK's This Morning show.

You can see video of it below, embedded at the end of the article.

As the psychologist also invited points out, Amanda doesn't suffer from a real medical condition, but rather of an “orientation.”

It makes her feel attracted to inanimate objects, even though she insists she doesn't feel the need for intimacy with them.

Before she fell in love with the Statue of Liberty, or Libby, as she calls it, Amanda was in a “relationship” with a drum kit that she got as a present when she was just 13.

When she first laid eyes on Libby, though, she knew she had to move on. She laughs saying she was “basically” cheating on the drumkit with the statue.

Amanda says she never questioned her emotions and she never tried to suppress them, even though she had a hard time coming to terms with them.

“I'm attracted to different shapes, geometric shapes. I never [suppressed it] because I thought it’s natural for me, maybe I'm meant to be this way,” she says.

Asked what it is about “Libby” she finds so irresistible, she says it's what the statue stands for, its history, the way it's built.

Her ideal moment in the relationship would be to just sit with Libby on the island and watch the sunset.

Right now, Amanda is living on her own, with Libby as her unofficial roommate. It makes her “feel really good inside,” she says.

In the end, that's all that matters, the psychologist stresses. As long as Amanda isn't hurting anyone and as long as she's happy, no one should be telling her that what she does / feels is wrong or not.